Anemia in children in foster care connected to other diagnoses, researchers find
Children in or adopted from the Pennsylvania foster care system with anemia may have greater odds of certain developmental and behavioral diagnoses according to a newly published study from Penn State researchers. This study, available in PLOS ONE, is the first to examine such a relationship…
Long-term study of early brain and child development launches enrollment
Penn State researchers are launching enrollment for the largest long-term study of early brain and child development in the U.S. Penn State researchers aim to enroll 300 people, about 4% of the total cohort. The researchers will follow participants and their children from before birth through…
Kindergarten conduct problems could cost society later, researchers find
A new economic analysis has linked, for the first time, conduct problems among kindergarten students with significant costs to society in terms of crime and associated medical expenses and lost productivity when they are adults. “Providing effective, evidence-based programming designed to address…