Primary tabs
Betsy Beck
Senior Administrative Support,
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Yosef Bodovski
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Research Analyst,
Computational and Spatial Analysis Core (CSA)
Margaret Brech
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Survey Research Center (SRC)
Rachel Charney
Proposal and Award Generalist,
Population Research Institute (PRI)
Robin Dickson
Administrative Assistant,
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Bayane Elhayboubi
Project Assistant,
Survey Research Center (SRC)
Amanda Ferrara, Ph.D.
Senior Research Operations Manager,
Survey Research Center (SRC)
Carmen Frost
Administrative Assistant,
Population Research Institute (PRI)
Li Ge
Web Developer/Designer,
Communications Core
Kim Gummo
Financial Assistant,
Survey Research Center (SRC)
Cheri Hillard
Education Coordinator,
Child Maltreatment Solutions Network (Network)
Mark Hixon
IT Support Specialist,
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Yoon Sun Hur, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor,
Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative (EIC)
Cory Jackson
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Survey Research Center (SRC)
Deborah Johnson
Associate Director,
Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness (Clearinghouse)
Supryia Joshi
Assistant Research Professor,
Computational and Spatial Analysis Core (CSA)
Valerie Keppenne, Ph.D.
Research Project Manager,
Survey Research Center (SRC)
Renee Kotch, M.A.
Senior Program Manager,
Survey Research Center (SRC)
Melissa J. Krug
Marking Communications Specialist,
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Sarah Lemieux
Applications Developer,
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Yanling Li, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor,
Quantitative Developmental Systems Methodology Core (Quantdev)
Kelly Lingenfelter
Proposal and Award Generalist,
Population Research Institute (PRI)
Deanna Lose
Proposal and Award Generalist,
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Diana Malcom
Senior Administrative Support,
Child Maltreatment Solutions Network (Network)
Mary McCauley, B.A.
Director of Administration and Compliance,
Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative (EIC)
Kassidy L McElwee
Project Manager,
Child Maltreatment Solutions Network (Network)
Donald Steven Miller
Research Analyst and Programmer,
Computational and Spatial Analysis Core (CSA)
Population Research Institute (PRI)
Cynthia Mitchell
Research Analyst and Programmer,
Computational and Spatial Analysis Core (CSA)
Population Research Institute (PRI)
Monica C Oakes
Research Project Manager,
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Michael S. Rineer
Systems Administrator,
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Lisa A. Ryan
Data Compliance Specialist,
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Nicole Sharkey
Project Manager,
Population Research Institute (PRI)
Jason Shumberger, Ph.D.
Manager for Special Projects,
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Morrison (Luke) Smith, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor,
Computational and Spatial Analysis Core (CSA)
Brian Sonak, M.S.
Project Manager,
Survey Research Center (SRC)
Sherri Taylor
Proposal and Award Generalist,
Population Research Institute (PRI)
Mindi Weidow
Project Assistant,
Survey Research Center (SRC)
Debra Weston
3T MRI Technologist,
Social, Life, and Engineering Sciences Imaging Center (SLEIC)
Gaven Wolfgang
Linux Systems Administrator,
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Xueyi (Steven) Xing, Ph.D., MSPH
Assistant Research Professor,
Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative (EIC)