Consortium on Moral-Decision Making
The Consortium on Moral-Decision Making is a collaborative hub dedicated to unraveling the intricate threads of ethical choices. The consortium delves in the complexities of moral dilemmas, seeking a deeper understanding of how individuals and societies navigate the delicate balance between right and wrong.
Social Science Research on Rural Population Health
The Social Science Research on Rural Population Health (SSRRPH) works to facilitate and bolster rural health research among the social sciences at Penn State, with particular attention to those who study the structural and social determinants of rural population health.
Collaborative on Population Aging Disparities
The Collaborative on Population Aging Disparities (CoPAD) is an SSRI-funded working group that focuses on new and growing sources of inequality among aging adults, with attention to the ways that population dynamics and life course processes interact to alter the composition of the older adult population and the landscape of population health.