Penn State Impact Story: Fostering Opportunity
Penn State’s Fostering Lions Program, part of SSRI's Child Maltreatment Solutions Network, expands access to education, providing proactive and comprehensive support for foster youths through a support services network dedicated to their success. To find out more, visit the Penn State Impact Story…
News Topics: Fostering LionsChild Maltreatment Solutions Network
First Lenfest Immensitas Scholar slated to graduate spring 2024
Three years ago, longtime philanthropist Brook Lenfest was examining the educational outcomes of young people who emerge from the Philadelphia-area foster care system, and he didn’t like what he was seeing. In essence, they were being ushered onto a ladder to higher education that was missing most…
News Topics: Fostering LionsChild Maltreatment Solutions Network
Fostering Lions Program mourns loss of supporter Denise Rohrbach
Penn State’s Fostering Lions Program is grieving the loss of Denise (Shuey) Rohrbach, a 1975 graduate of the College of the Liberal Arts, who established the Rohrbach/Shuey Family Scholarship in 2021. Created with a gift of $53,000, the Rohrbach/Shuey Family Scholarship provides…
'Fostering Lions' program hosts ‘Little Lions’ camp for high school foster kids
Foster youth can face many challenges, but those who continue into college are better prepared for adulthood and more likely to achieve economic independence and an improved quality of life. The Fostering Lions program, which already supports current Penn State students who were foster youths,…