Penn State’s Center for Childhood Obesity Research (CCOR) in collaboration with the Social Sciences Research Institute (SSRI) announces the Interdisciplinary Obesity Research Seed Grant Program to fund innovative, interdisciplinary research related to obesity and obesity-related health outcomes across the life cycle.
This seed grant will assist Penn State social and behavioral science faculty at University Park, the Commonwealth campuses, and the College of Medicine to advance their research by securing extramural funding. The program will fund up to six applications with one-year awards and budgets capped at $15,000. Letters of intent are due April 1. Invitations for full applications will be sent by April 8, with awards being announced on June 14.
Proposals that conduct interdisciplinary research that contributes to the evidence base needed to inform successful childhood obesity prevention programs that can then be disseminated to public health and clinical practice audiences will receive preferential consideration. Proposals on other topics related to obesity including research on the psychosocial, environmental, family systems, genetic, and biological factors that contribute to obesity across the life cycle will also be considered.
More information on the seed grant program and process for submission can be found here. Also, CCOR will offer proposal consultations prior to submission through Dr. Emily Hohman.